Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Blogger Challenge Day 2

Day 2: Meaning Behind Your Blog Name
I had a conversation with my dad recently, it basically revolved around the time that I was born (in Tanzania, its believed that the time you were born is important or maybe not in one's life) anyhow then it ventured to why I was given the name that I have. My dad simply looked at me and said well you were the first born so I let your grandmother crack her head and deal with it.
I remembered this conversation because I feel like the blog is my child (well it actually is) and I am the mother who doesnt know what name to give her child, at least this was at the beginning. I am sitting here and actually wondering if this name is good. So let me tell you the story behind the blog's name and justify to myself that its a good name!!!!
I come from Tanzania, as you must have guessed, Tanzania is a host to Mount Kilimanjaro-tallest mountain in Africa, many game reserves that it has and for its kind and amazing people. However, it stands out in one department, that is, when it comes to gems and stones. Tanzania produces a gem stone called Tanzanite, reason behind its name - its mined only in Tanzania and specifically in one region in the whole of Tanzania. This means that this stone is very special to the people of Tanzania. I for one, want my wedding band to have this stone :)

Everyone has dreams, big, small or nightmares for that matter, they are all dreams. Dreams in other words are also those things that one wants to achieve in life and these dreams are usually precious to us and hence where the name came from. A combination of my dreams and how special they are to me resulted in the name of this blog, because I could not really write "special dreams" just did not sound as good as this does!!!

So there you have it, Tanzanite Dreams. For every dream is special in its own way!


Blogger Challenge Day 1

Day 1: Introduce, recent picture of yourself, 15 interesting facts.

To be honest, I have always been one of those people who can blow their own trumpets. I can talk for days about myself, my dreams and such things, of course this is never me being vain, its just me being open about myself to others. And its also a way for me to get to know myself better because I am sure what I said last week about me will totally be different from what I said about myself last night, we human, we change!!!!! But sometimes I like going the "you ask me what you wanna know and I will tell you" road, it makes life easier and sometimes people really don't want to know some of the things I blab about myself *guilty*!!! So here are the 15 interesting things about me:

  1. I have always denied the fact that I have an Indian accent
  2. A few long years ago, I always thought I will be the next Secretary General for the United Nations without having to study or work hard at anything after all I am a humanitarian by nature (my reaction exactly when I found out what was required to be in that position)
  3. I have always been a drama queen, always used to have a passion for acting till high school
  4. I have a profound love for reading (novels) I even enjoyed Shakespeare in high school, Macbeth is one my favourite books
  5. I have a dream wedding that I make changes to on a daily basis
  6. I love referring to the Ancient Greek and Persians for my kiddies names, they have such a nice ring to them
  7. I can never watch Anaconda and finish it even in this day and age when you can see their camera and digital tricks
  8. I have cried, laughed, joked and scared people when it comes to the L word
  9. I can be a loyal and dedicated friend
  10. I have been in a relationship for 7 years but it feels like we started dating yesterday *blushes*
  11. For a person who loves short dresses and has a lot of them, I never have the guts to wear them
  12. I have always been told that I am a loud extrovert but sometimes I feel like such an introvert (its not even funny)
  13. I am a very emotional person put a chick flick and there I am with a towel!!!
  14. I can be a very ambitious and intimidating but sometimes I can be like a wet cat (this is not good)
  15. For a person who loves standing in front of a camera, I do not have solo picture.
A recent picture of myself:


Tell me more about you :)


Monday, 30 January 2012

30 Day Challenge

Hellow People :)

I hope all of you had a great weekend. I must say it has been a while since I had a good weekend, that too indoors with AK. The wonders of staying in I guess!!

Today, I woke up in a really good mood, partly because I had a good weekend and also because my baby sister (will post about her sometime later) woke up very early today and showered me with some morning love. Kids loving, you can never go wrong :).

Today I decided to start on a new journey, its a 30 Day Challenge that I found on Lu3Lu's blog (do visit her blog, its amazing). This means that for the next 30 days I will be posting almost everyday (hopefully) about meaning and random stuff about myself, my life and the what nots!!! This is a great way to start knowing each other, don't you think so?? Of course I will have to blog like 14 times in one day to get to where the rest of the gang is (do join the fun) but I believe in baby steps :D

Agenda for the next three days:

Day 0: The 30 Day Challenge Explanation and Description
Day 1: Introduce, recent picture of yourself, 15 interesting facts
Day 2: Meaning behind your blog name
Day 3: Your first love
Day 4: Your parents
Day 5: A song to match your mood
Day 6: A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 7: Favorite movies
Day 8: A place you've traveled to
Day 9: A favorite picture of your best friend
Day 10: Something you're afraid of
Day 11: Favorite tv shows
Day 12: Something you don't leave the house without
Day 13: Goals
Day 14: A picture of you last year - how have you changed?
Day 15: Bible verse
Day 16: Dream house
Day 17: Something you're looking forward to
Day 18: Favorite Place to Eat
Day 19: Something you miss
Day 20: Nicknames
Day 21: Favorite Picture of yourself ALL TIME Why?
Day 22: What's in your purse?
Day 23: Favorite Movie
Day 24: Something you've learned
Day 25: Put your iPod on shuffle, first 10 songs
Day 26: Your Dream Wedding
Day 27: Original Photo of the city you live in
Day 28: Something that stresses you out
Day 29: 3 Wishes
Day 30: a picture of yourself this day and 5 good things that happened since you started the challenge

In other words, today is Day 0...lol!!!


Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Wednesday Madness: I am decorating!

Some things happened over the weekend that have made my family and I vacate our hold home. This means that we have been house hunting and I must say after the ordeal that we went through my parents are being quite strong about this.

Like every coin has two sides so does this move. On one side the move is stressing my dad because renting a house in Dar es Salaam in a good area is quite expensive and well house hunting isn't really an easy thing to do. On the other side, its a good thing we are moving, because we are going to move into a bigger house, which means my dream of having my own room will come true, or so one would think after having shared a room with my siblings for like a really really really long time, but nop, I still have to share it with my younger sister.

However, if I did have the whole room to myself than this is how it would've looked, or at least how I would want it to look.

I want the Wall and the bed to be just like below, I am sure with a bit of wallpaper and a simple trip to the furniture stores I will be able to execute this.

I would like to have a small but functional wardrobe that is either cream, light yellow or simply white to match the colour of the room.

I know that it doesn't look like it can blend in with the rest of the room but I am sure with a little bit of varnishing, it will look the part.

Again, with a little bit of varnishing and maybe change the stool cover to red and put some red roses in the vase, the dressing table will play its part.

Although bed side lamps are nice and functional when you want to read, I really love Chinese lanterns so I think I will have two or three of those in my room in different colours.

This I am sure will go well with my room colour and just bring out that homier feeling that I want my room to have :)

Of course there are other things to a room such as candles, chimes, photo frames and a wall of fame and wisdom that I hope to include. When the room is done, I promise to upload pictures :).

Inspiration from:

Otherwise have a good day everyone :)

Please do let me know if you have any more ideas :)


Monday, 23 January 2012

One Good Deed A Day Keeps The Devil Away

Its Monday again!!

Until very recently I never understood why people hated Mondays and referred to them as "Black Mondays". This is because I was always in Uni and so chose my classes as I wanted and never woke up before 12, after all I needed to regain the energy that I lost over the weekend.

But now, things have changed with me working and having to wake up early for work and all. This means that I wake up late every Monday and there is always some drama going on. Talking about the drama that happens every Monday in my life these days, you will feel sorry for me. For example, to start with, today I woke up 5mins late, when I was getting dresses I realised my deo (spray) is over; talk about sniffing myself like a dog.
To make matters worse, I forgot my shawl when the office gets really cold. Public transport was a mission, as usual,with fights to get into the bus (you will understand this if you live in Dar es Salaam). So much drama and its only 9 16am. Go figure.

However, there is always a rainbow after the rain. With a few good deeds from a friend of mine here at work, I managed to get both the shawl and deo :) hurray!!! And so she made my day.

But then, I met another person that made my day even brighter. There is this lady at work who just puts on amazing shoes (I am crazy about shoes) and today she is wearing these killer heels with this brown and vibrant orange outfit that just made my day after seeing her. The power of colours and killer heels *sigh* . She really did lift my mood. The weird thing is that I don't even know her but I stood there like a crazy person with stalker tendencies and just told her I love You.

 I am sure she thinks I am some weirdo who escaped from Mirembe hospital (mental hospital)!!! But she smiled and said thank you, so I am guessing that's a good sign, yeah? Anywhoooo, I decided to take her picture and share it with you just in case you need something to lift your mood.

The Orange Blazer just makes my day, what a vibrant positive colour :)

And I present to you.......

 The Killer Heels.....look at the details there.... I am in love *faints*

What did you do today to help lift your spirit on this Monday or that of others???

Happy Monday People and all the best for the rest of the week.


Happy Monday

Friday, 20 January 2012

Hi, its nice to meet you!!!

Hi there,
My previous post was about the blog itself.
This post I dedicated to yours truly, MOI.

  1. I am of legal age in most part of the world but I always have to carry some form of legal ID whenever I am visiting clubs because I am too short, petite and got small features for my age. However, this means I won't age as fast as my fellow age-mates :) plus point!!!
  2. My favourite colours are light blue, light green and turquoise. But when I am feeling bold, I like orange and red.
  3. I tend to be emotional over small things which is really not good sometimes. I am working at this!!!
  4. I love travelling, future destinations: Hawai, Paris (during winter),All the middle and eastern Asia countries, Brazil, Jamaice, I could really go on forEVER with the list!!!
  5. AK; the love of my life. I heart him loads.
  6. I love trying all sorts of new things, well almost all sorts of new things!!
  7. I used to think that the moon used to follow us whenever we were driving or walking!!!
  8. I love to walk on the beach and hold hands with Kimo Hoshi!!!
  9. I love my new office, I can't wait to get busy!!!
  10. I actually think I am addicted to tea.
The rest will be revealed in my other posts as we travel through this journey which is fuelled by many dreams.


A dream fuels a Journey!!

They say that everyone has a destiny in life, the end to a certain journey; graduation-end to your University journey, getting a job-the end to your unemployment journey, marriage-the end to your bachelor journey, having sex-the end to your virgin and pure journey in life and well the list is long.

They say that each journey has its hurdles that you have to cross, exams to graduate, interviews to get a good job, getting dumped and heart broken to get a good life partner and so on...

But they say if you have dreams and are ready to strive than your journey becomes easier and endurable.

They say its the dreams that make the hurdles easier to cross and more memorable and precious to you.
Hence, here I am, a simple girl from Tanzania, the only country producing Tanzanites in the world, yap you read that right, in the world (hence the tittle), I have dreams too, dreams that will make me go through many journey's in life, be it big or small dreams. Its also these dreams that keep me going in this tough world where cats eat their kittens and dogs eat cats to survive.

However, as much as the world is scary and some of these dreams are hard to turn in to reality they make the journey worthwhile. Hence, here I shall be posting about my dreams, my beautiful dreams about life such as getting that Masters from Oxford, getting a good job, excelling in my work life, buying my own first car, owning my own apartment/house, travelling the world, getting engaged in Paris and married in Zanzibar, living in Spain and shopping in New York and sending my kids to school in London (every-one deserves to get that British accent!!)

Oh dreams.......

But than along this journey, I will meet so many people, face so many challenges, make so many friends and even meet unfriendly people, do crazy things and act sane about it and oh well just live life and so this blog is dedicated to that.

I hope that you will be with me through my many journies fuelled by my many dreams.
