Tuesday, 24 April 2012

To health, happiness and more blessings

Good Morning All :)

Its been years since I have been in here or at least it feels that way, reason why??? Refer to this post and you will know why.

However I am not here today to complain and the what nots....do I even ever do that? *looks sideways* anyhow today I am here to tell share something absolutely amazing....

Yesterday AK and I marked our seven years anniversary since we started dating in 2005..yes, seven years.... of beautiful memories made, funny and silly but memorable laughs, dreams shared, future planned, and all things shared. I thank God everyday for giving me such an amazing partner even when he is not being amazing!!!!

AK's first cousin (J) and his wife (S) on his mum's side had a baby boy that I have been dotting over ever since we found out that J and S are expecting. How trully amazing that God blessed them with a sweet bundle of joy on our special day and consireding the fact that I was sick and spent the whole day at the hospital visiting doctors and getting pricked by needles, this was trully a beautiful gift from The Man above.

So here's to all good health, happiness and more blessings for everyone, especially the little baby who has so much to see and explore and learn from this world :)


The Queen of All Excuses

Recently I have gotten myself in a lot of things

Let me list them:
1. 30 Day challenge over at Eat Pray Love....Live
2. My love story series that I wanted to host
3. Buying curtains and all things lovely for my room
4. Trying to buy at least three corporate outfits once a week
5. Planning my birthday party

And I have failed miserably at keeping up with all those above listed items.

The thing is that its not like I have been lazy or anything but I have been busy at work, easter was packed with games and then I was back at work....all I want to do is get back from work and fall asleep...does this sound like you?? I bet not seeing as you all have things figured out, or maybe not!!!

But they say that if you really mean it then you will always find ways of doing it so why can I not find the time, space and patience to do all these things?? I am tired of using excuses such as "I am tired", "Work keeps me busy", "I just dont have enough time", "I am not good at this".

I guess all I am saying is that I am tired of making excuses.

Some affirmations for myself;

For days when I need to get back on track.

The prize is all that matters, or is it??

For those days when things are not moving as smoothly as they should

For those days when giving up seems to be the only thing on my to do list

For those days when I am trying todoeverythingatthesamefriggingtime and run against time and the universe and trying very hard to beat them and fail at it miserably

 I definitely need to learn how to do this more often in my life

 And finally for those times when I am trying to do things outside my comfort zone......

What do you do to squeeze everything into your daily routine??

Have a great week everyone :)

Disclaimer: All images are from: http://yummyfitness.tumblr.com/