Wednesday, 28 March 2012

What I am loving Wednesday

Hellow People!!! Its Wednesday, two days to the weekend *2 mins happy dance*

Today I am linking up with Jamie over at This Kind of Love for her What I am Loving Wednesday. I know I have been linking up a lot lately but I just cannot help myself with all these lovely link ups that I stumble into, they are all so lovely and all so fun.

So what am I loving this Wednesday?

The fact that I found this fabric in red/dark blue and green (picture below) for this kind of dress (down) with this back (further down)

 The Fabric

Almost same kind of cut

The back

The fact that March is almost over and April will be here soon, celebrating my 7th year anniversary with AK (The Boy)

This also means that I will be starting my Monday Love Story link up soon (please grab the button from my wall and join in on the fun and spread the word :)


The fact that I am meeting AK today after two whole days, life is gloomy without his smile in my life, even for a day

The fact that in just a few days Shannon over at Eat Pray Love...Live will start her 30 Day Challenge Link Up (I will be participating) and hopefully turn this challenge into a tangible experience.

Eat, Pray, Live...LOVE

The fact that Easter is around the corner and I can finally wear my shorts and sandals and put on sun screen for the Unity Games being held here and not have to worry about work and interviews and the what nots of the corporate world :)

The fact that Rachel over at {Simple.Little.Joys} has Naked Palette Giveaway that I entered and hope to win seeing as I am make up less after I lost my whole bag of make up when we were moving houses :( so here's to hoping I will win *fingers and toes crossed*

The fact that I have an awesome bf :) *giggles*

Love this pic :)

What are you loving this Wednesday??


Tuesday, 27 March 2012

My Love Story

It's the BIG SEVEN!!!!

There are only 29 days left untill AK and I celebrate our 7th year anniversary since we started dating that funny awkward cute weird childish love filled and sun kissed day of 24th April 2005 (it was a raining cats and dogs outside!!!!!!!). I cannot believe that its been this long since we started dating, I mean just a few days a go AK bought me a book and has already made a bookmark for my next book (I love reading) but than I guess its these kind and small things that we do for each other that make us feel like we just started dating last week.

Throughout these seven years we have made huge mistakes and small mistakes, we have told of each other in a loving manner and sometimes in the harshest manner possible, we have learnt to live with one another and apart from each other (for three years whilst I was studying), learnt to spoil each other with breakfasts (that he makes), lunches and dinners that we take out and that he also makes, we have mastered reading each other mood swings even over the phone and have learnt to say the right words to one another when short they have been amazing years.

And so I have decided that I will dedicate each Monday of each week to post a part of our love story featuring things that have happened over the years and how they have made us stronger in some departments and shaky in other departments.

I am looking forward to recapturing these moments and hope that you will join me in this fun exercise and together we can share our love stories with one another. Please do join me and spread the word :)

Life has taught us that Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.

- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Please grab the button below and join in the fun and if the button doesn't work (in case I got it wrong somehow, please drop me a line at nasreen(dot)hassanali(at)gmail(dot)com and please pass the word around :) Thanks


Remember to drop by Life of Meg to join in on her Mingle Monday Blog Hop

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Friday, 23 March 2012

Friday's Fancies #4 : Where the Party at?

I need a tool to express myself today, I am just so thankful and grateful that Friday is here, I need a break *wipes sweat off forehead*. Friday means I get to relax for the next two days and just spend some time with AK. hopefully will be able to start decorating my not so homey room at the moment.

Friday also means another Friday's Fancies link up and this week's theme is March Madness. I am in love with this theme because {AV} over at Long Distance Loving is letting us go crazy with our favourite sports cheers and gears. However, this weekend wont see me cheering like a crazy fool but rather relaxed and chilled. 

And so what does this weekend have in store for me?????

1. A Night In

Night In

I cannot wait to just put on my pj's tonite and bum around the house. Hopefully manage to paint my nails and watch a movie or two with AK.

2. Saturday sees me attending a baby shower honouring one of the best ladies I know
Baby Shower

Dont forget to link up with {AV} for the Friday's Fancises series over at Long Distance Loving


Thursday, 22 March 2012

Its Ok #1

In my quest to get more followers and find new ideas to use on my blog and perfect it, I came across this lovely blog by Amber over at Brunch With Amber which I absolutely love at the moment and found this Thursday Link Up below and I thought why not join the fun, right??

Its Ok Thursdays
To be honest this link up reminded me of the GLAMOUR Magazine, I was such a religious reader back in Uni (Whenever I couldn't buy the hard copy I always went to the www.) but now that I am here I wish I had bought more hard copies, for memories sake. Oh well, so GLAMOUR Magazine used to have "It's Okay" section and I used to love it because it was hilarious if anything and so this this post brings back good memories :)
Let's start shall we???

....... Its okay to wake up in the morning and wish you it would heavily rain outside just so you wouldn't be able to get to work on time (story of my life)
.......... Its okay to wish that your exes look at their present girl and notice how you were better at doing whatever it is than them (every one needs to have a high self esteem)
......Its okay to get to work and spend hours on Facebook and complain later about how much work you need to get done (this is okay, right?)
....... Its okay to wish you could buy all those amazing pairs of shoes (wishes always come true, in most cases anyways)
......... Its okay to want to always have a to do list and never get to it
......... Its okay to buy shoes and never have anywhere to wear them too
........... Its okay to want to see your boyfriend every minute and suffocate every one else around you with your PDA (after all you are in love!!!)
 ...... Its okay to stop here today and continue next week :)

What are your "Its Okays?"

This was fun.


Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Blogger Challenge Day 26

Day 26: You're Dream Wedding

I (grooms) take you (bride) as my lawfully wedded wife, to love, Honor and cherish, in good health and in sickness, for richer for poor............ *sniff sniff, take the tissue and wipe the tears streaming down my cheeks and messing my make up*

I don't know about all of you but I am a sucker for weddings, I love every thing about wedding from when the dates are set, to the preparations, to being the brides maid (once), to the ceremony which always leaves me with happy tears and to the receptions which in most cases for me are usually boring and quiet (being an Ismaili doesn't guarantee attendance to great receptions!!!!)

However, I want to take advantage of this challenge today and not talk about my dream wedding but rather what it means to be married to me and thus no matter how the wedding, what the dress and the absence of a Tanzanite ring (I hope not) my wedding will be the dream wedding.

From the time we start watching Disney Fairy tales we learn that there is always a girl from an unfair background and that there is a knight in shining armour who will come and rescue this girl from any situation and so we learn that there is a Prince Charming for each and every one of us. Our parents even start calling us by the names "princess", "precious" and the what not's because we are special that way and we will one day find our prince's and leave their home. This theme is true throughout our lives with our parents giving us lessons on love, on the "right" boy and how how hearts will skip a bit when we meet our soul mate, how the earth will be moving beneath us and how the world will be such a beautiful place when we kiss and how our kiss will be magical and what not. And will live happily ever after. This is true for most of the part, in the fairy tales anyways.

But have you noticed how we never see the "forever happy after" part?? Does it never make you wonder what happens? Let me tell you what happens, there is jealousy, there is suspicion, there are mood swings, there is miscommunication, there are misunderstandings and to make matters worse there is the external world, the many faces of the "Step mother" or the "Witch" if you may!!!! Then you ask yourself so where is the "they lived happily ever after" part??? Well that part doesn't really exist!!! Okay maybe it does, to a very few couples, where there is love, respect, trust, understanding, good channels of communication and most importantly FRIENDSHIP!!! If you have this in your relationship than you could possibly me on the right road!!!

And so my dream wedding is one where all these factors are in large quantities, whereby I can look at my husband first thing in the morning when I wake up and feel like I have just met him and we have just started dating (the honeymoon phase) or him being the last thing I see when I go to bed and longingly wait until I wake up again and feel those excitingly comforting butterflies in my belly that make me smile the whole day. More so, I hope that he will be feeling the same way or even ten times fold than and only than would I have achieved my dream wedding!!!

I know this post was supposed to be full of wedding details but at this point I feel like my feelings outplay the wedding details. But don't be fooled, I still have a diary (my mind) which keeps on planning the big day everyday ;) and these shoes below, I just loved.

What do you think? What is your take on this???  

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Monday, 12 March 2012

Blogger Challenge Day 25

Day 25: Put your iPod on shuffle, first 10 songs

Morning World!!! I hope its a bright monday on your side of the world as I am under the weather (recovring) and its gloomy, grey and raining outside.

Lets talk about music, usually there are a few things that I would do when I feel sick, sad, or just overhelmed with love and these are 1. EAT EAT EAT but than how much will you eat to make yourself feel good, the tummy will eventually just stop you from abusing it. 2. VENT OUT MY ANGER to the whole world and everyone and anyone who is ready to listen about what is going on in my life but that never really gets you anywhere apart from you hanging all your dirty laundry to the entire world. 3. SLEEP however there comes a time when the body and the mattress dont get along anymore and lastly RETAIL THERAPY but really there is only shop much that we gain from retail therapy and sometimes nothing at apart from more frustruations because sometimes I go to the malls with no money at all. no one said that window shopping is a crime.

But there is one thing I go to and feel solace and understanding and comfort and that is MUSIC. Its like they say, 'Music is a reflection of what you are going through'. And because I can listen from anytime of music from Country to Hard Core Rock, I never really run out of understanding in my life from that department.

I should probably not do this challenge today seeing as I have no ipod to shuffle and I just formated my work PC and lost all my music (I know how stupid of me, why didnt I back it up?, I keep asking myself the same question!!!) but I will just think of the first ten songs that come to my mind at the moment and use those (my brain is like an ipod, promise you) after all who has ever done anything without bending the rules once in a while (my justification for today :)

1. Tera Hone Laga Hoon

2. We found Love in a Hopeless Place by Rihanna

3. Moyo Wangu by Diamond

4. Oleku by Chocolate City ft. Brymo (I spent a lot of time at Uni listening and dancing to this tune, you gotta love the Nigerians)

5. Lucky by Jason Mraz ft Colbie Caillat (This is posibly one of THE songs at my wedding, fell in love with it in 2010 when my friend made me listen to it)

6. Peelu


7. Tinka Tinka

8. Hey baby (drop it down on the floor) by Pitbull (Brings back a lot of good memories) 

9. This I Promise You by N Sync (everyone has a love story song, what's yours?)

10. Hakuna Matata (I have loved this song from the day I heard it)

 "Hakuna Matata, it means no worrrrrrrieeeeeeees for the rest of your daaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy (yeah, say it kid) its a problem freeeee philosophyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, hakuna matata" Sings with me; "Hakuna Matata, it means no worrrrrrrieeeeeeees for the rest of your daaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy (yeah, say it kid) its a problem freeeee philosophyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, hakuna matata"

Aaaaaah music, the way it makes you feel like you can conquer the world and achieve all that you want even when the ground beneath you is shaking mad.

Do not forget to link up with Meg at LIfe of Meg for Mondy Mingle Blog Hop series.

Mingle 240

Disclaimer: All these videos have been downloaded from Youtube and the songs were picked randomly.


Thursday, 8 March 2012

Women's Day Celebration

Celebrate; You're a Woman!!

Most of us have heard the story of Adam and Eve and the forbidden fruit from our elders, religious leaders, TV and everything that gives us information. More so, this story has always been accompanied with comments on how Eve was the evil bitch that made Adam eat the forbidden fruit that has led to the evils of the world and what not. Of course, one has to wonder whether this is true or not seeing as all women involved in history be it religious scriptures or not have always had some form of negative impact on their male partners. For example; Samson lost his eyes because of a woman, Delilah and David committed murder because of Bathseba and so on.

Granted that women have always been portrayed this way ever since the time of Adam but have we ever thought why Adam was given a woman as a companion and not another special animal or more fruits and stuff? Simple because of this below conversation between Adam and God:

God asked Adam: "What's wrong?" and Adam replied, "I'm lonely." So God said: "Adam, I will make you a partner. She will wash and cook and clean for you, she will listen to what you have to say and never interrupt you. Who won't nag you about your actions and she will even bear your children. She will stay loyal to you and never be influenced by other men." So Adam asked, "Well, what's his gonna cost me?". "An arm and a leg." And Adam asked: "Well what can I get for an rib?". And the rest is history.

And so on this day of women's day, I would like to wish all the women out there a Happy Women's Day and that we should not forget who we are, what we are not only to ourselves but to humanity as a whole.


Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Blogger Challenge Day 24

Day 24: Something You Have Learned

Its been a while since I have been here, life has been busy.

I would like to inform you all that we successfuly managed to move in to our new house although it still has problems that need to be solved, picture will be up in a few weeks or so.

Life has been good as well although I have been having some ups and downs in some departments but whats the point of a journey without some bumps, right?

This past weekend AK and I watched Kung Fu Panda 2 or rather the Zen of Kung Fu Panda and there was something that the Soothsayer said that caught my attention, she said “Now… The most important time is now…”. This got me thinking a while because at the back of my mind I was thinking about this post.

I have learnt a lot lately, I have learnt things about myself, my reactions, my emotions, my surrounding and the people around me, something that I might have overlooked in the past. But the most important thing is that Now...The most important time is now!! It does not matter what happened yesterday, last week, month or year but what matters is now!

I am not saying that what happened than does not matter but that dwelling on what happened than does not really help the situation now, what helps the situation now (whatever that situation may be) is the fact that one uses all his or her resources to help improve their standars now (whatever the standards may be). How we react to things right now will help improve our lives now and possibly the future and that is what is important. Dwelling in the past and worrying about the future will never help anyone but focusing on this moment right now will certainly heal the wounds of the past and shed some light into the future.

This will also lead to inner peace, who does not need that???

I guess this is the most recent thing that I have learnt.
Don't forget to drop by Life of Meg for Monday Mingle Blog Hops series.

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