Most of us have heard the story of Adam and Eve and the forbidden fruit from our elders, religious leaders, TV and everything that gives us information. More so, this story has always been accompanied with comments on how Eve was the evil bitch that made Adam eat the forbidden fruit that has led to the evils of the world and what not. Of course, one has to wonder whether this is true or not seeing as all women involved in history be it religious scriptures or not have always had some form of negative impact on their male partners. For example; Samson lost his eyes because of a woman, Delilah and David committed murder because of Bathseba and so on.
Granted that women have always been portrayed this way ever since the time of Adam but have we ever thought why Adam was given a woman as a companion and not another special animal or more fruits and stuff? Simple because of this below conversation between Adam and God:
God asked Adam: "What's wrong?" and Adam replied, "I'm lonely." So God said: "Adam, I will make you a partner. She will wash and cook and clean for you, she will listen to what you have to say and never interrupt you. Who won't nag you about your actions and she will even bear your children. She will stay loyal to you and never be influenced by other men." So Adam asked, "Well, what's his gonna cost me?". "An arm and a leg." And Adam asked: "Well what can I get for an rib?". And the rest is history.
And so on this day of women's day, I would like to wish all the women out there a Happy Women's Day and that we should not forget who we are, what we are not only to ourselves but to humanity as a whole.
We are so important! Great post.