Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Blogger Challenge Day 26

Day 26: You're Dream Wedding

I (grooms) take you (bride) as my lawfully wedded wife, to love, Honor and cherish, in good health and in sickness, for richer for poor............ *sniff sniff, take the tissue and wipe the tears streaming down my cheeks and messing my make up*

I don't know about all of you but I am a sucker for weddings, I love every thing about wedding from when the dates are set, to the preparations, to being the brides maid (once), to the ceremony which always leaves me with happy tears and to the receptions which in most cases for me are usually boring and quiet (being an Ismaili doesn't guarantee attendance to great receptions!!!!)

However, I want to take advantage of this challenge today and not talk about my dream wedding but rather what it means to be married to me and thus no matter how the wedding, what the dress and the absence of a Tanzanite ring (I hope not) my wedding will be the dream wedding.

From the time we start watching Disney Fairy tales we learn that there is always a girl from an unfair background and that there is a knight in shining armour who will come and rescue this girl from any situation and so we learn that there is a Prince Charming for each and every one of us. Our parents even start calling us by the names "princess", "precious" and the what not's because we are special that way and we will one day find our prince's and leave their home. This theme is true throughout our lives with our parents giving us lessons on love, on the "right" boy and how how hearts will skip a bit when we meet our soul mate, how the earth will be moving beneath us and how the world will be such a beautiful place when we kiss and how our kiss will be magical and what not. And will live happily ever after. This is true for most of the part, in the fairy tales anyways.

But have you noticed how we never see the "forever happy after" part?? Does it never make you wonder what happens? Let me tell you what happens, there is jealousy, there is suspicion, there are mood swings, there is miscommunication, there are misunderstandings and to make matters worse there is the external world, the many faces of the "Step mother" or the "Witch" if you may!!!! Then you ask yourself so where is the "they lived happily ever after" part??? Well that part doesn't really exist!!! Okay maybe it does, to a very few couples, where there is love, respect, trust, understanding, good channels of communication and most importantly FRIENDSHIP!!! If you have this in your relationship than you could possibly me on the right road!!!

And so my dream wedding is one where all these factors are in large quantities, whereby I can look at my husband first thing in the morning when I wake up and feel like I have just met him and we have just started dating (the honeymoon phase) or him being the last thing I see when I go to bed and longingly wait until I wake up again and feel those excitingly comforting butterflies in my belly that make me smile the whole day. More so, I hope that he will be feeling the same way or even ten times fold than and only than would I have achieved my dream wedding!!!

I know this post was supposed to be full of wedding details but at this point I feel like my feelings outplay the wedding details. But don't be fooled, I still have a diary (my mind) which keeps on planning the big day everyday ;) and these shoes below, I just loved.

What do you think? What is your take on this???  

Mingle 240


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