Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Blogger Challenge Day 23

Day 23: Your Favourite Movie

And I am back....gosh, I cannot believe that the last time I was here was 7 days ago....really now, who abandons their blog for that long a time??? *hides*. But I am here....that's what counts, yeah??? :) :) :)

Moving on to the 30 Day Challenge, I love the topic today but also hate it as well. Do you know anyone who has only one favourite movie? I certainly don't, so I will try and make it two movies; one Indian and one English. These may not really be my favourite movies due to mood swings and all but they popped up in my brain the moment I read the challenge!

English Category:

I am such a lovey dovey person and will fall in love with any movie that has such romance, respect and fun in it. And more Richard Gere is just to die for (yes I have a tiny bit okay I really huge crush on him). And Julia is just an amazing actress. I just love her!

Indian Category:

In all honesty I love Aishwarya and I think I have watched all her movies. I love this movie because of its plot, dances and songs. The songs have such a strong message that I just cannot help myself but listen to them so many times in a week or even a day.

Now I am going to leave you with this beautiful video.

Have a good day.


Friday, 24 February 2012

Blogger Challenge Day 22

Day 22: What's in You Purse

So I have been slacking behind when it comes to this 30 Day Challenge simply because I have reports to read, correct and rearrange, sigh, the corporate world can get tiring.
Speaking of the corporate world, I have never really been a girl who carries a bag and actually has more than a phone, money and lip balm/gloss in it. But ever since I have joined this world, I have had to do this. Because for some reason as a corporate woman you need a bag/purse with all these things in need. So today, this is what I have in my purse.

  1. Wallet (in black there) for hospital and bank cards and oh money as well.
  2. The pink pouch there is my make up kit, it has lip gloss, eyeliner, mascara, comb and a small perfume (Coco Channel)
  3. I have a deodorant (the bottle in orange)
  4. I have hand cream
  5. The pearly thing there is my Tasbih the equivalent of a Rosary
  6. And oh a Soft Free sanitary pad (you never know when you or someone else will need it)
And that is about that.


Thursday, 23 February 2012

Friday's Fancies #2

Hollywood Glam

Thank God Its Friday!! And I mean Thank God Its Friday!!! This week has not only been fast but dead busy. The amount of work I have had to do has left me so drained that I have even been ignoring AK. But he's been such a darling and made me breakfast and dinner and has taken me out for lunch as well.  So this weekend I just want to sit at home on sunday do something nice for him and watch the Oscars with a cup of hot Masala Tea.

Now that we talking about the Oscars, it has always been my dream to walk the red carpet, who hasn't had that dream, right??? So if I were to have my five minutes of fame than this is exactly what I would wear.

An Alexander McQueen Silk-chiffon bustied gown $3,295 at  net-a-porter.com; Classic Pink Pearl Drop Earrings $11 at debenhams.com; Christian Louboutin Cleo Gold Cluth $2, 195 at shopsavannahs.com; Tahitian Pearl Bangle of Freshwater Pearl Bangles at rockabellajewels.bigcartel.com; Christian Louboutin Bianca Heels at  christianlouboutin.com.
Do remember to link up with {AV} over at Long Distance Loving for Friday's Fancies series.

Have a great weekend everyone :)

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Blogger Challenge Day 21

Day 21: Favourite Picture of Yourself ALL TIME why?

Favourite Picture of Moi :)

Why is this my favourite picture??

This picture was taken when I was still in high school, last year of IB. I like this picture because whenever I look at it I remember how unhappy I was with my life (school) because I did not like what I was doing and too many people were involved in it for me to live my own life. However, today when I look at it, I realise that I have come a long way to being the independent, self reliant, confident and successful person that I have become. I actually love my life at the moment or at least the way it turned out compared to when this picture was taken. So in short this picture remind me of who I was, who I have become today and what I can become tomorrow if I put my mind to it. And that is why this picture is my favourite.


Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Blogger Challenge Day 20

Day 20: Nicknames

Ten more days and this challenge will be over, time sure does fly!!!
Anyhow, when it comes to nicknames I think I am more of a giver than a receiver really and I don't normally give them to everyone just a few special people however over the years I have had a few nicknames myself and here are a precious few.

My dad calls me this! Literally translation "Elder Sister". He calls me this because he used to have an aunt who was referred to as Sister by my grandfather and so my dad and his brothers also decided to call their aunt "sister" as well but they were refused and were told to call her "Baima" where "Ma" stands for elder. He says its good for respect and so everyone in my house calls me Baima.

Basically a short form of my name. Given to me by aunts and uncles. This is really popular in my house sometimes I am called both Nashu and Baima (like I have two personalities!!!!)

This is what AK calls me most of the time apart from those random babes moments.

Katrina Sims
I used to have (still do actually) a friend in Uni who loved to give nicknames. She used to call them the R. names and I was one of the lucky ones who got her R. names and not only one but two names, makes me special huh? :). She gave me the name Sims because it has a nice ring to it and Katrina because when I drink I become so hyper and energetic like a hurricane, I know even my eyebrows are raised! But I love my R. name :)


Blogger Challenge Day 19

Day 19: Something You Miss
I could write volumes on this topic. However, because I am having some technical difficulties (saved all my pictures in AK's laptop) hence I will make it really short, but, I promise to come back and post what I really wanted to :)

I miss everything these two places have to offer!!!!!


I Got Mail

This week could not have started on a better note that this. Remember how I kept going on and on and on and on and on and on (you get the idea) about my graduation ceremony and how I missed it and how sad and miserable i felt and all those other ands??? Well, I am no longer any of those things, wanna know why??? Because I got mail *5 minutes happy dance*.

This came in for me yesterday :)

And Tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

And I am a graduateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)

*Holds mick; mick testing one two, one two thre; then gives speech in that Blair Waldorf tone*
"I would like to Thank God and all those people who helped me reach here and my friends, my family, my pet (I dont have any), my imaginary best friends (I have none), of course big thank you goes to Google, Wikipedia for being amazing search engines and Turnitin for giving me sleepless nights with plagiarism filled nightmares and all those people that I drank myself to a pulp with and still managed to graduate with and oh the cats, birds, and frogs at Monash SA for always being up with me at random weird hours of the night. And to the person who created hubbly (sheesha/pipe) for making me become a hubbly junky (as AK calls me) during my life at varsity. Also like to thank all the malls around my varsity area for not only helping me release my stress through retail therapy but for always making sure that I was always broke after coming back from the mall and to all the junk/fast food that I ate without gaining even a kg, why do they even call it junk food because I am as healthy and skinny as I was yesterday!!!! Special thanks also goes to Hollywood for all its series, dramas and movies that kept me awake getting hooked to them instead of doing my assignmnets and studying.
Really, I thank You All".

Now that I have had my 3mins of fame, let me get back to reality (work) and get rolling. Hopefully plan something today for celebration :)


Friday, 17 February 2012

Blogger Challenge Day 18

Day 18: Favourite Place to Eat
I am that kind of person who can go anywhere and eat as long as its clean, the food is cooked well and people are friendly, really I am that simple.

I have so many favourite places to eat however the ones that offer french fries, salads and huge chunks of steak are my favourite. A bit of dessert is also appreciate so those places are my favourite places as well.


If you got this on a menu, a few good friends that make you laugh (AK) then you will never go wrong.

Now I am really hungry *sigh*


Blogger Challenge Day 17

Day 17: Something You're Looking Forward To

I am looking forward to the weekend as it has a lot to offer,
  1. I am looking forward to a great weekend with AK and his cousin and sister in law at a club carnival
  2. I am looking forward to just sitting and relaxing and doing absolutely nothing this whole weekend, I need a break from work
  3. I am looking forward to a skype date with my best friend Lu3Lu from Lu3Luscrossing
  4. I am looking forward to all the wonderful things that this year has to offer.
  5. Especially looking forward to Monday, hopefully my DHL parcel would have arrived by than *fingers crossed*

Blogger Challenge Day 16

Day 16: Dream House

Welcome to my dream house (The pictures will speak for themselves). I am a very simple girl and so my dream house  will be simple yet sophisticated and classy in its own right. However, I would like it to be huge and spacious.

 My dream house will have a water fountain at the front. I love the Greeks and so this would be a perfect water fountain.

My dream house will be that one place that all my family members look forward to after a long day at work or school, after all it has an amazing pool.

My dream house will have a nice shed around its pool.

My dream house will have a walk in closet with a make up studio.

My dream house will have a bathroom that is spacious, simple and sophisticated.

My dream house will have a shesha/hubbly/pipe room in my house. I love smoking shesha, this will be a good place to sit, relax, have a glass of Moet or Brandy or two without the kids coming this way.

My dream house will be full of love in each and every tiny corner because after all love makes a house a home.


Blogger Challenge Day 15

Day 15: Bible Verse

I am back!!! I have only been away for three days but it feels like its been ages. The things that technological problems and corporate world can do to you!!! But I am back and I am happy to be with all of you again and more so excited about all the 30 Day Challenge that I missed when I was away. Hope ya'll are well. Now, lets get on with it. Oh, by the way, hope all of you had a lovely Valentines Day :)

"Ask, and you will receive; Seek and you will find; Knock and the door will be opened to you."
Mathew 7:7

I know you are going to ask yourself "but she is a Muslim!!!!" The thing is, I think of myself more of a spiritual person than a religious person. The reason behind this is simpyly because I believe that we all believe in One Powerful Force that we give different attributes and names. We call this power God, Allah, Jehovah, Nature, Superior Being and all those other names out there. But I believe that at the end of the day we all pray to the same Power, seek for comfort, knowledge, wisdom, stregth and give thanks to the same Power no matter what the name. And this is why I have a favourite Bible verse apart from Corintians 13:4.
Why is this my favourite Bible Verse??
  1. Because when I was very young, my mum (she was a Catholic) used to read this verse to me and told me that I will always have someone (God) that will be there for me for whatever reason and in whatever circumstance.
  2. Because I can give testament to this verse. I have been given all the things I have asked for, some in plenty and those that have not been given to me have reasons behind them. I have knocked on so many doors and many of them have been opened and some have led to greather things than I had expected.
  3. And I am trully blessed to know that at any day I can do these three things and someone will be there to answer me. Its a comforting feeling :)
  4. It gives comfort to know that option #3 (above will always be open). There will be light at the end of the tunnel.

Thank You Lord.


Thursday, 16 February 2012


I have just been bitten in the bum by a virus, well my PC has and in the process of curing it, trying to sit through meetings, getting home late and not being able to blog because I am dead beat had lead me to become MIA from this wonderful virtual world full of great friends :( but I wanted to tell you all that I will be back soon, hopefully by tomorrow. And oh, I miss you all.


Monday, 13 February 2012

R.I.P Whitney Houston

Usually the Grammy's or any other award ceremony has an emotional ring to it whenever they pay a tribute to an actor or a singer. However, it goes without saying that this years Grammy 2012 award was as sad as it gets with Whitney only having passed away a day before the actual ceremony.

I for one was sad about this news because she films in one of my all time favourite movies "The Bodyguard". Not only did I love her songs in the movie but also the chemistry between her and Kevin Costner.

I really wish I had watched the Grammy's yesterday to witness Jennifer Hudson's tribute to Whitney but I was fast sleep and hence I youtubed it and boy was she good or what? I even got goosebumps when she started. I put the youtube video here for all those who missed it like me.

R.I.P Whitney.


Blogger Challenge Day 14

Day 14: A Picture of You Last Year- How Have You Changed??

This was me last year
The picture was taken sometime between March and April.

What Has Changed About Me??

A lot has changed about me since this picture was taken, some for the good and some not;
  1. I have become more emotional since this picture was taken, I am finding it hard to adjust back to my life here at home with all the things that have been going on in my life, 
  2. Not only have I become totally closed to people around me even those that I used to call my friends but sometimes I really do not care what they have to say especially when it comes to me. This is not because I have become ignorant but more so because I have just realised that I no longer find interest in the things that they find interesting.
  3. I have learnt to live life for me and not for other people or "follow the wind".
  4. I have become less opinionated about things. Okay, thats just crap!!! I am still opinionated about things but for some weird reason I have become more quiet about my opinions (this is not a good thing).
  5. I have however become more open to what people say about me and other things around me without me really getting myself (emotionally, intellectually (opinion) or physically) involved.
  6. As much as I have still kept to old relationships, I have however learnt to look at them from different angles and the angles that I do not like I have tried to change them and the once that I like I have kept to them but this also means that I have lost a lot of relationships along the way. But than you have to lose something to gain something else, right???
  7. I have learnt to look at life in a rather more simpler way than I did before. I have realised that life is as easy as drinking water and thats the beauty of it but we as humans always tend to complicate it by making mountains out of a mole hill and so I am learning how to just relax and enjoy things as they come and not try and read too much that happens.
Of course, I can sit here and make a list of all the things that I think have changed about me but at the end of the day I think that list is temporary considering the fact how change is constant in our lives, I could just scratch off all these things tomorrow.


Sunday, 12 February 2012

Blogger Challenge Day 13

Day 13: Goals

Have you ever gotten yourself a diary or a note pad where you wrote all your to do list and goals for that week or for sometime later? Have you actually managed to stick to that list?? I have never managed to do that, stick to the list that is, I always wander off come back and realise that 'Oh my, I had to do this first and not last??' But I do get it done, the timing doesn't really matter or does it??

I can never stick to carry around a diary as well! Wait, I actually did that, second year of Uni :) and then.......I think I lost it, the diary that is!!!

Anyhow, this year I have set my goals in two categories long and short of course.

Short Term Goals
  1. Learn how to swim (I can do laps but I cannot water tread and this needs to stop ASAP)
  2. Get my driving license by mid year
  3. Improve on my wardrobe (I need more corporate clothes)
  4. Keep on eating healthy
  5. Manage to throw myself the birthday party that I have never had (May)
Long Term Goals
  1. Save enough money for my honours/masters for next year
  2. Start saving up for my own apartment for next year in case I can't make it to Uni
  3. Keep the job at Deloitte as a permanent staff
  4. Buy myself 1 book a month (I need to maintain this passion)
  5. Look at snorkeling (after mastering my swimming skills :)

Surely this is not the end of the list but for the time being its long enough.


Friday, 10 February 2012

Friday's Fancies #1

Howdy People :)

Today I am hooking up with {av} from Long Distance Loving. Ever since I have been following her blog she has been hosting a Friday's Fancies. This is a good way for people to escape from their daily lives on a friday and design outfits that they would love to wear. This is great because it is a retail therapy without actually spending money, cool eh??

Today's theme is red+pink with Valentine Day just round the corner this is a great theme. This theme has come at a great time because I could use some vibrant colours to cheer up my mood. This week I have been a bit emotional over so many things but the incident that stands out the most is my Undergrad graduation that I am missing tomorrow because I cannot fly down to South Africa. I know its really sad. Anyhow, I have decided to treat myself to a hair treatment, pedi and mani, waxing and go for some black forest cake. During my escapade I would love to wear the outfit below.

Hope you will hook up with {av} and join in on her Friday's Fancies.

Hope ya''ll will have a great weekend.


Thursday, 9 February 2012

Blogger Challenge Day 12

Day 12: Something you don't leave the house without
And its Friday :D I could not be happier than I am right now, of course I am at work so that means I have to live through these eight hours but still FRIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY :) yipeeeeeeeeeeeee.
I do not step out of the house without these things.
You never know what might happen and who you might need to call. And also I have to stay connected to my Whatsapp, Facebook and Twitter families too :)

Money!!! Of course I don't carry around a bag but definitely a few notes. You never know whose tomatoes I might step on and have to pay!!!!

 Health Insurance Card. We have a lot of reckless drivers on these roads, don't want to find myself on the side walk bleeding with no card for the hospital.

Labello soft rose lipbalm. I really don't like walking around with chipped lips.

 I always apply eye liner before I leave the house. Do not want to walk around looking sick and what not, lol!!

Have a good friday everyone.


An Affair in Red

In honour of Valentines Day :)  
Need I say anything???


Blogger Challenge Day 11

Day 11: Favourite TV Shows
Heaven I tell you, I feel like I just stepped into paradise with this challenge today, don't you? Do I even need to go on and on about how I love this challenge? No, right? I will jump right to it!!!! :D
1. Vampire Diaries
Haven't you just dreamt of going on a date with a vampire? especially if that vampire is Damon Salvatore and all his problems? I certainly have!!!

2. Gossip Girl

i. Social gatherings
ii. Chuck Bass, need I say more?
iii. Blair Waldorf
iv. Serena Van der Woodsen's closet
v. back stabbings

3. Revenge

I only started watching this recently but let me tell you that I have been hooked on it like a fat kid on candy!!! The plot, the scheming that goes on, the dress and the high class parties? I could definitely live in this neighbourhood!!!!

4. Desperate Housewives

 The drama, the schemings, the friendship. I think I am a bit of each character especially Renee Perry and Susan Delfino ( I can be forward and outright and some times totally weird!!!)

5.CSI Miami

i. Horatio Cane full stop!!!!!
ii. Eric "delko" Delektorsky double full stop!!!!!!!!!

6. 90210
i. Naomi Clark
ii. I think I am an Annie Wilson in so many ways
iii. I get myself manicured and pedicured through them (psychologically of course since I cannot afford so many!!!!)

7. Secret Circle

i. the secrets
ii. the magic (wouldn't you want to make it rain whenever you want?)
iii. I wish I had a little circle of my own
iv. HIM

If people ever got paid for sitting in front of a TV with a bucket of popcorn and watch series the whole day than I would be on the top 5 list, okay maybe top 20 but you know what I mean!!!!
